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Teeworlds / development
For discussions around the development of the official Teeworlds
Between 2023-01-29 00:00:00Z and 2023-01-30 00:00:00Z
0.7 cultist
is 0.8 chunk out now? (edited)
It is only used for demos so do not send it if no demo record is running. Same as the counter part CNetMsg_De_ClientEnter already does it if(m_pDemoRecorder->IsRecording()) { CNetMsg_De_ClientEnter Msg; Msg.m_pName = pMsg->m_pName; Msg.m_ClientID = pMsg->m_ClientID; Msg.m_Team = pMsg->m_Team; Client()->SendPackMsg(&Msg, MSGFLAG_NOSEND|MSGFLAG_RECORD); } Does not change behavior or fix any bug as far as I am aware. Just makes it more obvious while reading the c...
Exported 3 message(s)