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Teeworlds / development
For discussions around the development of the official Teeworlds
Between 2021-12-29 00:00:00Z and 2021-12-30 00:00:00Z
Starting the client, waiting ~0.5 seconds and then using the quit command or ctrl+shift+q will exit the client normally but cause a segmentation fault (when running in gdb) because a background thread is accessing invalid memory. ``` Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. [Switching to Thread 14048.0x374] 0x004ea64d in CJobPool::WorkerThread (pUser=0x2e10a88) at src/engine/shared/jobs.cpp:52 52 pJob->m_Result = pJob->m_pfnFunc(pJob->m_pFuncDat...
  • Free icon image buffers (xmas and bot skin decoration, game icons, theme icons)
  • Fix leak of FreeType library by adding FT_Done_FreeType(m_FTLibrary). This also frees the faces automatically, so FT_Done_Face(m_aFtFaces[i]) is no longer necessary, but FT_Stroker_Done(m_FtStroker) is still necessary. I combined ~CTextRender into the Shutdown method as there is no reason to split this over two methods.
  • Fix leak of CSnapshotStorage data.
  • Fix leak of everything owned by `CCli...
Robyt on a roll again!
we might run out of bugs soon if he keeps up like this!
I wouldn't be worried about thta
Just checked. Some of those are quite ancient
20:05 especially this, seemingly frozen in time
I don't known if this is really a bug but if you are very close to 2 diagonal collision tiles you can hook through them at the point where they corners meet.
@Stiopa Is this really a bug or a feature? You can hook the opposite way from more angles, too, because the hitbox is sticking though the wall. Maybe you may fix this if the gamemode is pure (meaning ctf, dm, lms, tdm)
After 12 years i would say it's a game mechanic
@Stiopa Is this really a bug or a feature? You can hook the opposite way from more angles, too, because the hitbox is sticking though the wall. Maybe you may fix this if the gamemode is pure (meaning ctf, dm, lms, tdm)
at this point it's a feature I'd agree
I wouldn't remove it. It's become part of the teeworlds experience
and I would guess there would be a massive backlash
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