There seems to be a problem on my server, I will try to describe it:
It is a client freeze for several seconds, which can occur multiple times in a row, nobody knew where it came from. Now I somehow got this bug for the very first time, and luckily I have an auto demo of it happening. That demo, I loaded with a debugging client and checked where the client freezes, and it does here.
The issue seems to be, that the client receives a ReckoningTick, which is very low, in my case it was 4, while the curren Tick was above 400k, of course, that will take a few seconds to process.
Now there are 2 questions coming to my mind: How does the server even send a reckoning tick which is so low, while the current Tick is that high? And second: How the fuck am I supposed to fix this, because it's super random and I dont know why it happens or how to trigger it at all.
Also, I checked some values with a debugging client playing the demo, it seems like after it freezes for the first time it keeps evolving the previously snapped character.
@fokkonaut reckoningtick should never decrease. in the normal server I also think there is a limit, to make sure it never becomes more than 3 seconds (or so) behind the gametick