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Teeworlds / development
For discussions around the development of the official Teeworlds
Between 2021-06-20 00:00:00Z and 2021-06-21 00:00:00Z
  • Fix laser flickering (changing in diameter slightly) when the world is paused because of intra tick. Fix laser head not being paused when world is paused.
  • Fix gun/shotgun muzzle flash flickering (between visible and invisible) when world is paused at specific time because of intra tick. Adapt the speed at which a different sprite is selected for the muzzle flash and the ninja flash based on the demo playback speed.
    • Simplify some obfuscated code in muzzle flash logic: there was a Pha...
On a map with a lot of images in the "Images" Tab, selecting one image makes the button go red and you will see an image on the screen. Now if you scroll down the list, so that the selected button, does not become visible anymore, the image on the screen disappears. And if you scroll back up, so the selected button becomes visible again, the image on the screen will appear again. Versions: 0.7.5
I'm too tired to understand what's going on in 2834
you mean the scrollwheel?
i don't understand either
I think he means the discussion a user wants to start there
but the user is claiming, that the opinion of the majority is always right, so I don't see a point discussing there
Exported 10 message(s)