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Teeworlds / development
For discussions around the development of the official Teeworlds
Between 2021-06-18 00:00:00Z and 2021-06-19 00:00:00Z
In the map editor if you click on "Layers" which switches you to the "Images" tab, you will notice a button called "Add". This is used to add images to the map. Now, if you load a map that causes the list to be full with entries of images. If you scroll down the "Add" button is gone. Now, if you remain scrolled down at the bottom and then create a new blank map. The "Add" button is still gone and will not appear back. However, if you load a map with just a few things in the list of t...
The following code should render text centered in a rect: RenderTools()->DrawUIRect(pRect, ButtonColor, CUI::CORNER_ALL, 3.0f); static CTextCursor s_Cursor(10.0f); s_Cursor.MoveTo(pRect->x + pRect->w/2, pRect->y + pRect->h/2); s_Cursor.Reset(); s_Cursor.m_MaxWidth = pRect->w; s_Cursor.m_MaxLines = 1; s_Cursor.m_Align = TEXTALIGN_MC; TextRender()->TextOutlined(&s_Cursor, pText, -1); If the length of the text exceeds the maximum width, the text will be truncated and only ...
  • Fix "Add" button not being shown sometimes.
    • While I could not reproduce the problem on master with the steps described in the issue, I think this closes #2895 by resetting the scrolling value when no scrollbar is shown and also fixing a bug where neither the add button nor the scrollbar where shown.
    • The scrolling should eventually be done more cleanly with a CListBox anyway. This is just a bandaid for the current implementation.
  • Improve vertical alignment of image buttons and d...
Exported 3 message(s)