does anyone know what you call that thing where you pull someone and he wakes up then u drop and he pulls u and so on so forth till you ,make it to the end?
isn't that hammer fly while one player is stuck in freeze tiles?
the person hooked is hammered, unfreezed and then the one unfreezing falls down, while the other party does the same thing until they reach the end of that part.(edited)
And I haven't made any server mod for a good while now. I really want to make sure 0.7 is good to use and maybe have a 0.6 comoat layer before I made any gamemode.
@fokkonaut I mean what are there to explain. He injected extra quads into a layer using teeskin as a texture, packed em as a standard map binary and sent the map "file" from the memory to clients. By the time a client joined, every quad layer is "made" at "run time".
And you do need the lobby to work as a proxy tho. I don't think we have a way to transfer socket or redirect ip address in client.
So the lobby server is both a server and a proxy client. It need to know which game server each packet is supposed to go to. I think the game server doesn't need to know the client is a lobby server.
Plus you can probably protect the game server by only allowing the proxy servers' ip to connect.
Sploosh! In this tutorial, I'll show you how you can use simple math, physics, and particle effects to simulate great looking 2D water waves and droplets.
Note: Although this tutorial is written...
Also I'd say we should keep the "wave" much smaller. Preferably keep them within one tile height so we don't need anything fancy on the server physics.
Do you want me to take a crack at it? I still have like two issues that I would like to do on master.