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Teeworlds / development
For discussions around the development of the official Teeworlds
Between 2020-09-15 00:00:00Z and 2020-09-16 00:00:00Z
This could be a separate issue, but it feels to me like the columns Name, Length, Date should be below the Recorded title of the window and using CORNER_T. What do you think?
52be830 Reveal seconds of demofiles' date - TsFreddie 319a14c Merge pull request #2734 from TsFreddie/0.7-dem... - oy
dc8772a Fix localization string search - TsFreddie 06b50e5 Merge pull request #2733 from TsFreddie/0.7-loc... - oy
0dd12b2 fix right clicking in editor - Robyt3 7899c99 Merge pull request #2732 from Robyt3/issue2731 - oy
f4b55aa change 'no servers found' message to include la... - Robyt3 e59c876 Merge pull request #2730 from Robyt3/issue2729 - oy
a2872d0 Only use active characters as hook destination - axblk 6763126 Do not mix predicted and unpredicted values for... - axblk 124e401 Clean up player rendering and prediction code a... - axblk 70b6b96 Merge pull request #2726 from axblk/fix/prediction - oy
4bcae3d fix hotkeys and scrolling being enabled when co... - Robyt3 7fbef63 Merge pull request #2728 from Robyt3/uiEnabledS... - oy
baa0fa5 changed hardcoded build version for the workflo... - oy
Currently, the setting Menu background transparency sets 0 for more transparent, 75 for less transparent. So the setting is actually opacity. Either the wording or the number should be changed.
One big thing that the game has been missing since ever is water! all Teeworlds had seen over the years in terms of water visualization was either static tileable water or quads going in circles or from left to right. For today's day n age not very satisfying. It would be so cool if Teeworlds had beautiful water simulation that also changed up the gameplay. here some gameplay properties I imagine water would, could or should have:
  • tees will tend to float up
  • tees can hold breath f...
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