I think that a complexity involving lua to cpp bidirectional binding is exceeds that of doing anything in a C++ alone.(edited)
I've got rid of lua completely in my mod. It was used for maps configuration with some dynamic portions.
I use yaml now for configuration and all dynamic things are in cpp code. Works like a charm.
Even loading arrays from a lua to C++ was a non-trivial task prone to many errors. But no more.(edited)
Ah, you were talking about client-side lua. But it's the same, for the time you will spend to learn lua + it's integration API you could learn how things really works in C++ and that would be a better investment. C++ is not that hard and have arguably much more simpler syntax than lua. After you will finally learn embedded lua to some esoteric client you will get to its limitations soon. Then you will try to extend this lua and will find out that extending embedded lua interface is harder than writing what you want to do directly to C++ code.
Also with embedded interpreter you will not get full picture on errors and debug process will be more of a trial and error.
You cannot use GDB with lua, you cannot tell compiler to check typing or trivial errors for you. And most of errors you will encounter will be related to a lua to C++ interface. People rarely use lua in opensource C++ projects so you will be mostly alone in this.(edited)
But maybe ath has a great and friendly community, nice documentation and a lot of code examples? I doubt it.
You are thinking about using lua only because you don't have sources for ath. But you have sources of teeworlds and you can do anything with it.(edited)
I think ath should not be promoted here at all, as it's a cheat client.
ath is an open secret. Telling people how lame it is is not a promoting I hope(edited)
And learn English before learning a programming language would help quite A LOT.
Yes, and also finding someone actually talking your native language will also help. Because learning 2 languages (c++ and English) at the same time is hard. But I agree that without being able to read docs you could start asking all sorts of trivial programming things and that could annoy a person which would want to help you. Learning technical language is simpler than learning everyday language if you know programming.(edited)
@Deleted User u can still follow the principle of not promoting/discussing cheat clients here while understanding that most people are probably going to find out about them from other sources anyway imo
It's like when you're not telling kids about drugs or sex and then they will try it anyway. Just they will not know anything about it.(edited)
I think that discussion about bad things (like closed-source precompiled client with hacks and probably with viruses/backdoors) is healthy and avoiding it is not.(edited)
All this ban/avoid talks culture is not mature and will never work.(edited)
It's just makes kids/people think you're not honest. Because you know something and don't want others to know and also to make an argument.(edited)
It still will be discussed just you will not be invited to that discussion and will not have a chance to say a word against it.
But that was not the matter I've discussed originally. My point was about to use open-sourced clients and avoid precompiled ones with lua.
back when I was working on it, I found it to be very time consuming, and the benefit is small enough that it makes more sense to work on other issues instead