// reset velocity so the client doesn't predict stuff
m_Core.m_Vel = vec2(0.f, 0.f);
, 0.0f is of type float
CEntity *CGameWorld::FindFirst(int Type)
// i am checking that array exist, so it should be initialized or at least contain nullptr's
if (!m_apFirstEntityTypes)
return 0;
// segfaults here, how this is possible?
if (!m_apFirstEntityTypes[Type])
return 0;
return Type < 0 || Type >= NUM_ENTTYPES ? 0 : m_apFirstEntityTypes[Type];
CEntity *CGameWorld::FindFirst(int Type)
if(Type < 0 || Type >= NUM_ENTTYPES)
return 0;
return m_apFirstEntityTypes[Type];
CEntity *pEnt = GameWorld()->FindFirst(ENTTYPE_XY);
if (pEnt)
// do something with it here in safety
for (CEngineerWall* pWall = (CEngineerWall*)GameWorld()->FindFirst(CGameWorld::ENTTYPE_ENGINEER_WALL); pWall; pWall = (CEngineerWall*)pWall->TypeNext())
if (pWall->m_Owner != m_pPlayer->GetCID()) continue;
this is the previous frame