Hi, I'm planning to host a game session with friends where we switch maps about every 15 minutes
As I understood, I have to run a server myself for this. Is this correct?
If so, is there a map selector where I can preview the maps before I switch? The only way I found so far is the change_map command where I have to know the available map names and can't preview them
As far as I am aware, there exists no specific "map viewer" created for the sole purpose of previewing maps ingame. However, you can open the map editor using ctrl-shift-e and load the specific maps in it to check them out prior to map change. All of the default maps should be there available
show available maps in the console (similar to commands) increase possible map name length (current 32), more flexible use of the memory improve removing a map list entry for the client (currently ...
thanks to Learath2's PR, you should be able to see the maps you can use using autocompletion from sv_map, fablt
sv_max_clients is the proper amount of clients allowed in your server, and sv_player_slots is the amount of slots for clients that are playing. 4 player_slots and 16 max_clients would amount to 4 players and 12 spectators
Thanks a lot, all of you! I'm usually hesitant to join IRC channels because in my previous experience people either didn't reply for several days or they didn't provide helpful answers. The experience in this channel was nothing like that :)
Only time will tell I suppose. Good luck! I hope teeworlds proves to be a great experience. I, for one, am still having fun after few years. But I did burn out a few times. If you are looking for non-vanilla maps to spice up your game, I recommend the Maps section on the forums, it's got some interesting maps
Thanks! I've actually played some years ago and am picking it up again to keep in touch with people despite Corona
I might even contribute to the code, seeing that this game is still in active development after all that time :) I'll see if I find time for this now and then