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Teeworlds / general
Teeworlds Discord Server.
Between 2020-08-18 00:00:00Z and 2020-08-19 00:00:00Z
@redix would be nice to have a stats tab, I remember gamer client had something like that (?) . Also total stats would be nice, flags captured total kills total deaths etc then it would be nice to add assists, accuracy 🙂 So i'd go with 2).. other extensive stuff could be done in a custom client
AlkaabiMax joined the server. 2020-08-18 11:39:30Z
deen joined the server. 2020-08-18 14:43:59Z
is this the most players u had on ddnet @deen 🙂 Im seeing 980+ players online
Was > 1300 earlier today, but DoS attacks happened
is that due to the steam release?
all these perma servers + the multimap server haha :D
Yes I guess is related to steam 🙂
@redix I think 1 and 2 are already logged as issues somewhere, and definitely what we'd want. Why do you say 1 is boring? Right now the stats are inaccurate because they are client-side only I'm not sure what 3 would really do that a server can't do at the moment
can this be classified as broken protocol?
I mean the client side score stuff where a server communication should have been the proper way to go.
this is how teecomp worked
@Dune yes there is but it's a bit vague about what is really wanted. 1) would be boring because the statboard pretty much reached its capacity limits, so we couldn't add additional stats like weapon accuracy. A new menu for stats after each match could display more information. 3) would be a replacement for all the chat based stats and ranking systems. For example the top5 in race gametypes or the stats that chiller is using on his ctf server. It could provide a clear and flexible UI for all these things. However, it might be hard to fulfill the needs of all the different mods. I just really hate chat based stats 😄
What about a more detailed scoreboard at the end of each game with ratios, accuracy etc.
@redix agree with what you said. It'd be nice to get an UI for this sort of stats stuff, but it'll be hard to make something that fulfill enough people's needs. We'll get a lot of angry mail about what we didn't do 😄
Tried to design a protocol for it. The number of fields and flags grew and grew... it would probably be easier to use html-like tables 😄
not going to do that though
designing that stuff needs a lot of foreseeing
it's hard
hm, was just wodnering why there are bots on ddrace
it's just 0.6 bots thankfully
Kubu joined the server. 2020-08-18 21:29:13Z
is the gametype exclusion PR merged yet?
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