people are ranting about the new infection servers being too complex
just leaving that here
@jxsl13 thanks for a feedback. Can you give me contacts of those people? I want to invite them to a discord server where we discuss balance, suggestions and so on. Classic infClass wasn't easy too so I'd liked to hear more specific complains and/or do something to make players life easier.
I will make changes to UI very soon. It's easy to add hints on mouse wheel on MOTD which is currently used as a class selector menu.
But I think it's offtopic for this server to discuss this, can we move to «Official infclass» or to my server with this discussion?(edited)
Also about the "complexity" of 0.7 infClass: two our top players (in hours a day) are 10 and 9 years girls (Alisa and Sky)(edited)
And they know everything which they need to play infCroya/infLuck: they choose classes, camp, flee, attack, use savespawns etc.
So I'm intrigued about this feedback and definitely want to hear more.(edited)
I've invited Sky to discord yesterday and this was far too complex for her. But infClass wasn't.(edited)