Hi all! Does anybody knows if 0.7 version even uses SendTuningParams?
I wanted to use this function to send updated tune params to selected players but even that client receive params that I send via this function it does not applies it.
What is more weird and confusing is that commenting out all the contents of this function does not affect sending tune params from admin console -- it still works even w/o this function. So there has to be another concurrent mechanism that sends parameters another way. Does anybody know smth about it?(edited)
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More background: I wanted to tell client that tee cannot be moved while character is freezed and tried to send air_control_speed = 0 + ground_control_speed = 0 to a frozen client to prevent prediction artefacts and at the same time I've disabled the input on serverside. But this don't work, client still predicts his movements based on moving at standard speed. Looks like the client don't applies tune parameters sent this way (though it writes on the console that it has parsed them successfully). Character only stops on client side when I send air_control_speed/ground_control_speed=0 to ALL clients via admin console. But it seems that tune params are sent from admin console via some other way (snapshots?). I've spent two days to know that, now have no idea on where to look next. Snapshots don't seems to have tuneparams structure inside them but I am not 100% sure.(edited)