the snapitem PlayerInfoRace has the field m_RaceStartTick. When it changes from -1 to a valid tick the race starts, when it turns -1 again the race ends. When you cross the finish line the client receives the netmessage Sv_RaceFinish, which contains the time
damn no... the race starts when the snapshot contains a PlayerInfoRace item and the previous didn't. I used the wrong type for m_RaceStartTick =\
So what I'm getting from this, is that the race beginning is only decided by a snap containing m_RaceStartTick and the previous one not?
I didn't add a netmessages for this because snaps and messages are not synced. A netmessage might arrive to late so demo recording could miss some ticks
Hey, it would be awesome if there a Updater & News in teeworlds. There are many players who still play with 0.7.3 and they are outdated. Updater & News are nice in ddnet, so why not...