It offloads the chat rendering to the gpu (not other texts just the chat) and optimizes tile rendering, so it's faster in-game. However the rest is usually a bit slower due to many shader changes and vertex streaming.
The chat and tiles optimizations should be doable with just VBOs which are available in opengl 1.x aswell.
For me it's like 20-40% slower in the serverbrowser. Modern drivers are pretty good at emulating FFP themselves
But optimizing the streaming functionality might help. Right now the Backend Uploads the vertex data for each draw call. You could just upload all at once since it's already saved in the commandbuffer
Btw... It does not make sense to compare ddnet with vanilla 0.7.
Ddnet has gfx_finish 0. That leads to higher fps but also higher input latencies in some cases
Don't use Windows XP on a PC that's connected to the internet. Install Linux with some lightweight environment but don't use unsupported systems... Supporting XP should not be a problem but I'm against it
but u can not force people to use a specific os if the current one runs fine and the users are not technical or motivated. But I think he was considering it as a option
When his OS is vulnerable he should update... He's responsible for his own data but an infected machine could also be a threat for others (as part of a botnet or whatever).
when the motherboard morse-codes you what happens in the game
@Learath2 thank you, I checked my own motherboard and overclocked it manually (instead of the preset) and I am now running on 4.2 GHz supposed to 3.8 (and 3.3 base speed)