I'm against nicknames being changed during a session to prevent confusion and faking of other players or nicknames colliding with each other during a session. Anything else being changed during a session is fine, tho. In zCatch it's rather convinient, as stuff is being tracked during the time aplayer is connected. I am not against the protocol supporting it, but I'm against it being the default behavior.
@redix first of all, the local player might want to change his name, shocker i know
second, the names have been used to display levels in certain servers since before 0.5
third, dropping a player and re-joining it to change one field of information is the hackiest thing I have ever heard in my life and I've heard of the inverse square root hack in quake
fourth, if you don't like people changing names on your server, just don't allow it, not very tough, just don't forward the changeinfo packet along, fine
without a changeinfo packet, we actually can't do the things we want, while it'd be trivial to enforce your restriction even with it
I don't see any reason not to have a info change message, except for maybe backwards compatibility, but honestly, the old clients would behave exactly as you'd like them to believe