[2020-04-20 15:30:01][server]: version 0.7 802f1be60a05665f
[2020-04-20 15:30:01][server]: version 0.7.5 802f1be60a05665f
Would help prepare a log parser what format to expect since minor versions can have hard to detect on the fly changes like https://github.com/teeworlds/teeworlds/commit/5090c39d94bad0b6dda8caaef271133c46c00ee0#diff-a2df712cfb938eda9a173f36c865c2ccteamID
This allows for old regular expressions to be easily adapted:
Python/Golang regex:
(([\d]+):)?([\d]+):([\d]+):(.{0,20}): (.*)$
// TeamID, ClientID, Mode, PlayerName, Text
//%d:%d:%d:%s: %s - team chat
0:63:1:Günther: hey popelz
// ClientID, Mode, PlayerName, Text
// %d:%d:%s: %s - global chat - previous & current format
63:1:Günther: hey popelz...