aaand more ragequit. you guys need to fix the fucking balance, if you're still talking about programming this game. :P
it's not fun to get 3 kills and then the rest of the players leave server. I hate it on the 'pro' side just as much as on the noob side of getting ass handed to me by people with, what, 10+ years of reflexes honed by practice?
come on
fix this shit
put in SOME kind of balancing, this shit of "3 players have over 100 score and the rest under 10" is CLEAR EVIDENCE that there is a need to account for the different skill levels of players :P
also ChillerDragon I like your server but I'm sick as fuck of ctf5
(relevant because it's the only reliable server to play on!)
skayland, if you think accounts are the thing I want out of this then I'm not communicating clearly because I don't want that at all or think it's of benefit in a game without players because it has no balance
FURTHER I ALSO do NOT want player separation
I want advanced and new players to be able to play together in a way that at least is not so infuriating as to constantly drive both to ragequit or borequit
TLDR what I ACTUALLY WANT is some kind of HP and armor max value adjustment, based on kill/death streak averages
ie, you CAN TELL DYNAMICALLY BY SCORE who's the advanced player, they do this thing where they do ALL THE SCORING
it's not uncommon to see 3 or more tiers of player in a game, the 2% who've played the whole time and get 100's of points and are impossible to play against, and who will be impossible to play against even if you can one shot them, because they'll never let you hit them
and then there's the 96% of the players who can basically play CTF and hold their own
and then there's some noobs, who tend to either get good fast or to not stick around.
and, adjusting by streak, means even players keep roughly even amounts of hp and armor through the game, as it is now- and the nerfing happens for the noobs that need it, and the assholes that only want full HP and armor to be able to rocket jump across any map in three rockets without having to get health.
i see a million loopholes to counter JewZeus proposed solutions :P
suicide to reset the killstreak
stop killing all together and go for flags
rocket jumping is a requirement, the game would be dirtslow without it. i guess you could reduce the self damage to 1, but then nades would be even more viable in melee range than they already are
day the rocket jump thing, the advanced players have SO MANY options for going fast, and can get health on the jump too, and the CURRENT SPEED of gameplay means I literally have to rocket jump, catch up, GET AHEAD of the advanced player, fire AHEAD of them, and hope that the lag means by the time they get to my rocket, it has spawned and can hit them.
so, lol, whatever the hell your concept of "you need to be going 900 mph with grenades" thing is, just doesn't wash. You made a game that's better as ddrace because of that stuff.
Also, yes, dickhead players CAN kill themselves, but the thing is, they'll have to keep doing that to keep undoing their score
and the ctf thing, we can treat score streak like kill streak
oh yeah, one other thing that would also help add some balance day, and deal with your dickhead player problem at the same time, give credit for grappling hook in contact with falling player or in contact when player hits spikes.
JewZeus: i still think it is too slow :| or hooking to easy.
there are multiple issues, but tbh. I don't really know how to fix them either without causing new issues.
however punishing players who are good can't be good. moba's simply do the opposite, they reward players who kill good players. the the play modes (ctf,dm, etc.) make this difficult to implement. like what would be a tangible reward?
in ctf points are meaningless. in dm i guess you could assign points to players based on their streaks, however this simply will lead to players purposely ending their streaks (lol has or had this problem afair)
i guess you could spawn bad players with armor, or even some weapons. that wouldnt really hurt the overall gameplay
that would probably be gamebreaking in competitive games on smaller maps though, where the attackers always have terrible kdr's. at some point the defense will likely not have enough firepower to even kill them :D
matchmaking would probably be a better approach than trying to balance a running game
but most of the time there are just not enough players to fill more than one ctf server =\
to be honest... balancing a shooter is kinda hard. even big commercial games with matchmaking and extensive statistical data fail to create balanced games
just adding some scaling of the armor / health might completely fail. There should definitely be some tests before adding something like this to the game. Solo attacking with max 5+5 hp on ctf5 when rest of your team is just camping the flag would be really frustrating. Just as an example where this might create some problems