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Teeworlds / development
For discussions around the development of the official Teeworlds
Between 2019-09-15 00:00:00Z and 2019-09-16 00:00:00Z
71349bd Add a color palette for skins customization - Dune-jr 2c4a5ac Remove unused variable - Dune-jr 5f912f9 Merge pull request #2231 from Dune-jr/feature-s... - oy
df04ddb Don't show loading progression in LAN tab - Dune-jr 720d772 Merge pull request #2232 from Dune-jr/fix-lan-l... - oy
ec85cc5 Add a search bar to the option callvote menus - Dune-jr 37097eb Add a search bar to the editor file dialog - Dune-jr 74ca73b Change selection of callvote option list on cha... - Dune-jr 7f40c0e Editor file dialog: prevent scroll from staying... - Dune-jr 67a2323 Editor file dialog: focus search bar by default - Dune-jr
Exported 9 message(s)