@Dune this console navigation thing is like everywhere where i expect it. Works on my mac and linux terminal. Even on the unix like thingy on windows. Or in the grub command line. It is not made for text editors but for commandline like the teeworlds console. I always press those shortcuts in tw console but nothing happens :c
so thats why its these shortcuts and not in the chat.
zCatch makes use of OnPlayerInfoChange to force skin coloration of the newly used skin. Also FreeView/Spectating other people while in deadspec mode is also a server issue and handled by the server.
Tee adventures does exactly that, it's only using the vote menu for that @#6909 but that mod is closed souce. It should be located, where the server sends the votes to the individual player. Anything other than that is not possible without a client modification.
I managed deployment on appveyor for every update on the master branch - but only for windows and only 64 OR 32, i can't do both since they both have the same name (teeworlds_srv)