Monster is a mod, where there are bots which are symbolized with weapons, and which are called monsters. This mod is kind like zChaos, but bots are not tee's, they are moving weapons. It isn't a single weapon, it would be ugly, it's something that makes you thinking that's a bad monster, so don't think that's a single weapon which can't do anything, it's much more.
So as I said it, this mod is kind like zChaos, but different. There are waves, the score is symbolized as money, you can place a wall which, instead of killing like in zChaos, deals 10 damage, there are upgrades, a vote menu and a nicely coded path, which is opensource.
About walls, you just need to have 10 armors and after that, aim and shot with your hammer. The wall will take its maximum lenght except if there is a collision between the max lenght and the pos of the player (which is the start pos of it)
You can configure the max lenght using