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Teeworlds / general
Teeworlds Discord Server.
Between 2019-06-12 00:00:00Z and 2019-06-13 00:00:00Z
TMLP Deathmatch Night | Saturday 2019-06-15 20:00 CEST | The Teeworlds Machine Learning Project needs you, or more precisely your skill! On the TMLP Vanilla DM server (connect to or search for TMLP) we automatically record your gameplay to train an AI on it. The master servers are under attack lately so the server gets little attention. This is why I invite you to the TMLP Deathmatch Night this Saturday 2019-06-15 at 20:00 CEST. The address of the server in Germany is on version 0.6, add it to your favorites! We will be playing 10 rounds of DM with the winner being the first one to reach 20 points. The player with the most wins gets a special mention in the servers MOTD if they wish so, the better you play the more valuable your data is to the project after all. I hope to see your there! Apart from the event you are always welcome to play on our server. Map suggestions are welcome, because a wide variety of maps is beneficial for the AI training in order for the AI to learn the game and not a specific map. Currently we host all the standard DM and CTF maps. If you are a leader or member of a competitive DM community I'd be happy to connect with you and maybe form a collaboration. The goal is to teach an AI to play Teeworlds Deathmatch. Here's an example of how the recorded data looks like, which is what the AI will see: Once the AI is a little bit competent I will experimenting with reinforcement learning, which basically means letting the AI playing against another instance of itself and training it on the gameplay data of the winner. I will release my results and the source code in the future, if the project is successful.
Oooh that sounds interesting
Theres actually a competitive vanilla discord if u wanna share the post there too
competitive vanilla still a thing?
can't you use replays for learning?
@Dune Sure, that would work. The plan is to have players play against the AI on the server later. That's one reason I decided to do it serverside.
Is it possible to teach this AI to mock enemies?
😂 4
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