I just tested ddnet and 0.7 on a bunch of devices and screens it is very tricky to tell how smooth it runs when being so used to a specific screen. But i guess mousesense should be fine.
Ay btw this inp_grab 1 would it finally solve the problem with switching os that you can never reproduce the ms. I am bound to windows because i cant reproduce my ms on linux or macOS. So if you get used to inp_grab 1 it would be os independent and you have same sense everywhere?
@Oy @Dune i have a recursive problem: How do I get the width of a string, which i don't know the chars of, because i have limited it already to a width
yo @Dune i think you asked for reasons to not upgrade to 0.7 one player mentioned that he cant update because vanilla client has no good antiping like ddnet does