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Teeworlds / general
Teeworlds Discord Server.
Between 2019-03-21 00:00:00Z and 2019-03-22 00:00:00Z
If u hit esc the chat disappears, why?
so you can get back to playing?
he means in the menus i think
Delirio joined the server. 2019-03-21 17:11:39Z
i mean when u are in a game and mb everyone is chatting, than u want to leave for whatever reason, hit esc move your mouse to close the game, but then u hear the chat sound and cant see what someone wrote (maybe its just "bb" but who knows xD) its like having a notification light on your phone and u dont know what it is
u could ofc disable the chat sound aswell, when u dont see it anymore, that would work too
+1 i'm also have same problem. When I hit ESC to close game and someone just write sth then I must read this message :P
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