This should allow Teeworlds to start in high-dpi mode if available.
Unfortunately I don't own a high-dpi monitor so I can't test it myself.
@oy there is also a small fix in there, width bei...
it may could help but if its not what u want just ignore it only some ideas
1. f1 refresh_rate was a good option
-> ik some people who gave up on trying to connect to servers in 0.7 cause it was so slow to load servers
2. gamer hud?
3. you should enable that you can keep automatically hooking or walking (if u press chat or 2 times f1 or ESC) like in all other clients
4. pls upgrade your cool statsboard with fpm frags per minute*
5. more sound options like change chatsounds or mute it. & ingame or gun or hammer sounds.
6. make it possible to add friends in browserlist by clicking on them
7. make higher number on favourite servers & friends (already done?)
8. someone said feeds should be centered in the middle like it was before?
9. dont disable chat when u are in options & such.
10. wisper system is fine but you should make it so you can sort it on alphabeat. like if u press D then it only shows names with D (else it would be super annoying with 64 players)
11. enable zoom for specatators & in race mods & ddr
12. set specatators afk_kick_time to 0 by default
13. add options to change gametiles in options.
(14. add hookline?)
15. -> (not only me other people gave up cause of that to play tw.)
had insane problems with steam tw (avira detected it and such) then after some trying to make it possible to start tw with avira activated.
my tw steam download went insane and trying to download tw.exe but steam says now "content data is locked"
Then tried deinstall too but did not work either.
I tried to push my 0.7.1 .exe into the steam tw folder but I dont have the permission it said.
so cant play tw via steam on 0.7 anymore*
16. & idk if it was cause of the mod but I could not spectate as I was in a game or change team*
17.(ingame browser)
well I disabled it* but the problem is now that if I download the exe it does not set it into the same folder* anymore cause its blocked? it creates a own tw folder