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Teeworlds / development
For discussions around the development of the official Teeworlds
Between 2018-11-14 00:00:00Z and 2018-11-15 00:00:00Z
Another German localization update! It includes:
  • Fixed: typos, missing or wrong punctuation, ...
  • Some sentences have been reworded
Spot a mistake? Let me know! :)
bf09926 Updated german.json - mauricepape 9ea7dc2 Merge pull request #62 from mauricepape/patch-2 - Dune-jr
On the server info screen, I am getting a serious text overlap in the Scottish Gaelic locale. This cannot be fixed by changing the translation. I recommend reducing the header font size and giving the headers enough vertical space for a second line. !serverinfo The menu button also does not have enough space.
This includes
  • A flashier highlight, as requested by @oy
  • A black background when showing chat to facilitate reading
  • A box behind the category when typing
  • A few fixes regarding whispers/highlights
Here is a video preview:
Fixes #1672 and a few other spots in menus as well (like flag selection).
a30eff8 Take ClipEnable/Disable into account when check... - LordSk e6bc707 fixed c++11 initialization - LordSk bfc7c1a Merge pull request #1674 from LordSk/fix/ui_mou... - oy
LordSk 🦋 2018-11-14 19:16:42Z
Exported 13 message(s)