ofcourse there are more than 2 genders... modern tee gender stuff.
We also have robots like atlas_by_whis and the tank. They are not part of the vanilla skin base but since they are part of ddnet client they are widly adopted.
imo redbopp is more female than pinky.
Well pinky depends on the color.
i feel pretty wrong saying there are coors that belong more to male and others that belong more to female.
I guess that can differ with different cultural background or personal opinions idk.
[quakenet] <breton> i am running into another fun problem
[quakenet] <breton> i am receiving udp packet from master server ip with SERVERBROWSE_FWOK
[quakenet] <breton> even before i went through REGISTERSTATE_QUERY_COUNT
[quakenet] <breton> so the process of selecting master servers and actually announcing myself is skipped at all. The server receives SERVERBROWSE_FWOK and does not try to do anything else.
[quakenet] <Learath2> I'm not really familiar with the entire masterserver protocol (heinrich5991 should know better) but I don't get how you are getting all these problems and no one else gets them
[quakenet] <breton> getting ddosed a lot. And some people don't want my server to be up.
[quakenet] <breton> or i just do a lot of stuff wrong
[quakenet] <Learath2> Are you messing with the registration code? I see no reason why the masterserver would randomly send you a FWOK without you responding to a FWCHECK nor do I see how it could send you a FWCHECK if you didn't register yet
[quakenet] <Learath2> maybe someone is spoofing the master ips and just flooding your server with fwok's...
[quakenet] <breton> i see no reason too. And i am almost sure that someone is spoofing master ips.