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Between 2024-01-22 00:00:00Z and 2024-01-23 00:00:00Z

GCL Maps Guidelines


  • The mode uses the Glicko to evaluate the players as you can in KoG, but more precisely, even the stages in the maps have their Glicko, so when we talk about "Start Glicko" it will be because the players while playing will adjust it becoming suitable for the real difficulty of the internship
  • Maps consist of at least 15 "stages" (like afk kings or pieces of gores maps)
  • Each stage starts with a unique numbered CP TELE TO (so the max is 255 Stages because there are just 255 possible CPTELE)
  • You can use Deep and Kill entity to prevent skips, the freeze is like the regular freeze
  • Use teleports just if necessary
  • Starting platform should have unfreeze if possible
  • Instead of the start tile you should use the CP1 and CP2 (CP1 = Casual mode, CP2 = Ranked mode) ## 2. Stage Difficulty
Create maps with a diverse range of skill difficulties to encourage all players.

3. Finishing Conditions

  • Finishing prevented while deep-frozen, allowed while frozen


4. Adjust Lives and Time

Customize the number of lives and time on your map using the following commands:
  • Change lives: sv_gcl_lives (default 6)
  • Change time per life: sv_gcl_time_per_life (default 25) (for example if do you want that players can stay in a stage for 60 seconds you should set sv_gcl_time_per_life equals to 60seconds/number_of_lives)

5. Modifying Stage Ratings

Adjust the initial rating of specific stages to cater to different difficulty levels. Use the following command to set stage ratings:
  • Change stage ratings: sv_gcl_stages_start_glicko (default 1500)
  • Example: sv_gcl_stages_start_glicko 2 3, 6-15 2 (the syntax is in pairs of two groups of numbers separated by a comma, the first number can be single or two but divided by a hyphen to indicate a range of stages via their ID, and the second is the number indicative of the difficulty, therefore in this example we are assigning difficulty 3 to stage 2 and difficulty 2 to stages 6 to 15 (inclusive))

6. Default Start Glicko for Stages

Set default start Glicko ratings for other stages if the default 1500 is the right one using the command:
  • Set default start Glicko: sv_gcl_stages_default_glicko [difficulty from 0 to 9]
  • Difficulty levels: 0 to 9, with corresponding Glicko values
Below are the assignable values (putting a different or invalid one will automatically go to standard: 1500 glicko): 0 = newcomer (400) 1 = beginner (800) 2 = initiate (1200) 3 = standard (1500) 4 = advanced (1800) 5 = expert (2000) 6 = sage (2400) 7 = grandsage (2800) 8 = uppermaster (3200) 9 = ascended (3600)

7. Adding Fun Elements

Feel free to include fun elements in the start area where players can interact. Get creative with the map design to make the initial moments enjoyable. GCL maps have a "Relax zone" instead of "AFK Kings" Follow these steps to create exciting and balanced GCL maps, ensuring a captivating experience for players of all skill levels. Experiment with different elements and difficulty levels to enhance the overall gameplay. To send the maps ask @Bot ad or open a ticket on GCL
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