@Members, Welcome to 2023!
(Hopefully we won't have a worse year...)
So, about future stuff and changes, one of the changes will involve requests from you, dear Members!
That means we have created a channel #request-changes, not identical to Request Centre.• Teeworlds Data is open to all requests about changing / reworking / adding stuff to Teeworlds Data!• Rules of #request-changes will be in the room's post guidelines. The other change will involve actually providing a room, where you can download all the Assets in one place!
It's still Work In Progress, since Discord limits upload size amount. It may involve Teeskins' Database to create download links for each category or somehow work it out inside Discord. Be up for this change, it will happen. Well, let's see if we can yeet out certain rooms for better navigation in this Discord Server!
Ok, my plan is:
• Move Data Section below Chat Section and Tools & Bots Section, so it's less irritating to scroll down every time you want to see notifications there.
• #huds and #extras will be manually added, till dear Nexus decides to add those categories too. Members who want to submit Assets for #huds and #extras will have to use #request-centre and use the appropriate tags.
• #templates will be wiped out of existence, we'll add more rooms which involved using #templates.
• We'll make a room for Tee Colors for all Members! Members will be able to write there, but only posting a picture of their Tee and the color values (RGB, HSL or/and Hex Value) of their Tee. More info on that room, once we decide to add.
• Yeet out #test-forum-boiiiiii, it was a journey dear Members, but it's gonna go and be replaced with a less... unpleasant looking forum. You did your purpose room.
• Yeet out #all-languages and have a room, where you choose what language are you, then seeing only the room with the language role in it. This will cut down room visibility for good!
• Yeet out #ask-roles and will be able to choose your own roles inside a Notification Room.
• Oh, I didn't write it yet, yes. I want to make a proper Notification Room! The room will consists of Notification settings and Identity settings.
• And with that said, we'll improve #notifications according to the previous plans.
• Let's improve #upload, so that there will be a different room for all the submissions being successfully uploaded! If that's done, then we'll moderate the room by having another room, describing all of the functions our bot @Teedata can do, so you don't have to write help every time!
• Is #deleted-channel good? Is #deleted-channel any good? Please tell me on #request-changes, we don't know if we need it or not! Also you guys can recommend us other game related bots to try out! Maybe making an event out of it, just for fun!
• Do we need to improve the Vocal Section? Also tell us in #request-changes!
That's all for now and thank you all for reading it so far, this means you guys mean to listen and being active in this Discord server!
Thank you.
And for those who are lazy to read or don't care for these notifications:
• I'll make #notifications good and being able to disable notifications, please don't kill me this early