Created an option Tab for
All Notifications and
No Notifications, which means if you have selected the No Notifications Tab,
You won't get any updates from the
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@Admins Team.

But at least, you cannot be bothered, so all good.

Our HQ Skin project is 20% done! Half of the
Tee Skins has been reworked to be

Only 80% to go, so see you in 2023.

We are improving the website from both Visual and Code wise, so we could do more, than just storing Assets. We plan on changing the name of the website, also we plan on storing more; including maps, gamemodes, or even more.
New Events will approach in 2022! Yes you heard me, Verturian Tournament #3 will be here for all talented mappers!

New Tournaments will be hosted in 2022! We also plan on hosting gameplay Tournaments, such as CTF, GCTF, FNG, ZCatch and TeeSmash! Make sure to stay tuned for that, cuz it's gonna be wild I'll tell ya!
Honorable Mention: We raised over 200$ worth donations through our Fundings!!!
Thank you very much for
Fokkonaut, SpeedyGER, heinrich5991, Assa and Gwen for donating!

Without you all, this would have been more difficult to cover, and all of the savings go back to other projects / tournaments to keep them in check and make them improved! Thank you all!!!