i try to create account. VERIFY command refuse because " Check percentage lower than minimum threshold 60.2484/80%.
Please finish atleast one map on KoG non [A] servers and then try again."
After this i finished 2 MAIN KOG maps and i am only 60.4938/80% now . This is impossible to get 80% ! Is this a problem with my name ?
The % calculates based off of finishes with your name. Finish maps with Bountee the higher the % goes. You can also rerun the same map if you wanted to make the % go faster.(edited)
The % calculates based off of finishes with your name. Finish maps with Bountee the higher the % goes. You can also rerun the same map if you wanted to make the % go faster. (edited)
Makes sense. But you cant tell how many maps he has to finish based on that. If he got 79.85% and finishes 1 map, he has 80% for the threshold (edited)
I was like 60% / 80% wenn i started trying create account. I alredy finished all easy maps and done like 60 main maps. If i win 0.15 after a map i will never create account. I asked other players. They finished less maps than me. This is non-sense. I think my % are broken.
I was like 60% / 80% wenn i started trying create account. I alredy finished all easy maps and done like 60 main maps. If i win 0.15 after a map i will never create account. I asked other players. They finished less maps than me. This is non-sense. I think my % are broken.
I was like 60% / 80% wenn i started trying create account. I alredy finished all easy maps and done like 60 main maps. If i win 0.15 after a map i will never create account. I asked other players. They finished less maps than me. This is non-sense. I think my % are broken.
The caluculation is made through your names you finished maps with and your ip. So if i finish 1 map with nameA and 3 maps with nameB -> nameA 25%, nameB 75%. We have this to prevent multiaccounting. If you have 100+maps on one name why would you create an account for a new name.
The caluculation is made through your names you finished maps with and your ip. So if i finish 1 map with nameA and 3 maps with nameB -> nameA 25%, nameB 75%. We have this to prevent multiaccounting. If you have 100+maps on one name why would you create an account for a new name.
Just for the sake of clarification. Clear reasons where given multiple times, after he apologized for his previous actions he started to do it over and over again. But he might not have told you the story, which is completely fair
There are some other networks available to continue playing, on KoG he is not welcomed anymore. We've given a few chances already.
i play 15 years. I only changed 1 time name. My actual name Bountee have some years. You can take à look at https://kog.tw/#p=players&player=Bountee i never play with another name . If there is bug with names on my ip, how can i know wich names ? i never change name.
Actualy my % is 60.4938/80% is it normal 4 numbers after the "," ?
i play 15 years. I only changed 1 time name. My actual name Bountee have some years. You can take à look at https://kog.tw/#p=players&player=Bountee i never play with another name . If there is bug with names on my ip, how can i know wich names ? i never change name.
Actualy my % is 60.4938/80% is it normal 4 numbers after the "," ?
I also know/recognize him as a nice person some time ago(edited)
But then out of a sudden things changed & we've given chances over and over again until a certain point has been crossed. But this topic has to be figured out without all the public invited, he can reach out to support@kog.tw, explaining the situation.(edited)
@定℘Ƭ͢Ʀ Maybe you can send him this e-mail: support@kog.tw