Does a d movement affect y Axis? I see my friend often presses a d when getting thrown to roof as if it would help with not touching roof, it seems dumb to me as why would it affect your y Axis. Let me know please
Does a d movement affect y Axis? I see my friend often presses a d when getting thrown to roof as if it would help with not touching roof, it seems dumb to me as why would it affect your y Axis. Let me know please
Hello Can someone help me ? ( or french language )
I tryed to create Kog account. But !verify command answer me this : " Check percentage lower than minimum threshold 60.2484/80%.
Please finish atleast one map on KoG non [A] servers and then try again."
I dont understand english well. But my player name finished many maps. What is the problem ?
Hello Can someone help me ? ( or french language )
I tryed to create Kog account. But !verify command answer me this : " Check percentage lower than minimum threshold 60.2484/80%.
Please finish atleast one map on KoG non [A] servers and then try again."
I dont understand english well. But my player name finished many maps. What is the problem ?
You need to finish more maps with the name that you're trying to register
Hello Can someone help me ? ( or french language )
I tryed to create Kog account. But !verify command answer me this : " Check percentage lower than minimum threshold 60.2484/80%.
Please finish atleast one map on KoG non [A] servers and then try again."
I dont understand english well. But my player name finished many maps. What is the problem ?
Hello Can someone help me ? ( or french language )
I tryed to create Kog account. But !verify command answer me this : " Check percentage lower than minimum threshold 60.2484/80%.
Please finish atleast one map on KoG non [A] servers and then try again."
I dont understand english well. But my player name finished many maps. What is the problem ?