Hello, a stupid question, how can I be better? Can anyone give me some advice? Or do I just play it simple and everything will work, or what is the ideal setting? Thank you in advance for your answer
( The basics i know already ) (edited) I really don't understand why these map creators make such bad designs. Like seriously, flr example look at Krumpleeland, it's like they don't even try! It's like they just throw random stuff on the map without thinking. How do they even expect players to enjoy this? I mean, even a child can design something better than this. The whole thing is just messy and confusing, like they never care about the players. What they need is a proper designer team, because obviously, the current people have no idea what they're doing. They should just give the map to a real designer at the end and fix all these terrible design choices. How hard can it be? But no, they just leave it like that, and we are stuck playing on these horrible maps. ik 80 percent of players use entities, but even with that, these maps are still bad! Come on, fix your designs and stop making lazy maps. If they actually cared about the quality, things would be much better. I really think they just don’t care at all.