Can you send me the excuse copypasta?
oh my god dude!!!!!!!!! i laggedd so bad. like you would not even believe the amount of lag i just had like it was going all the way down to -1 fps i know that doesnt seem like you can get frames into the negative but i swear smh its like all of this render is just killing me computer!!!!!!!! i swear it just not like im bad but like my pc is like so bad its just omg lag becasue im rely good at this game so there is n0 way i could have possibly lost this and it is so unfair like we should totally do a rematch...!1!! haha, unless you want to ackqnowledge that im juts better than you and you should realy just let me win cus honestly i would totally beat you if i had a better pc like im really good at this game its just that i had like, the worst lagspike of all time. thats why i lost. hah, i mean, you like totally cleaned me- i only got to heal back to full health once smh you're like such a rude person fork illing myself then because i was not having a good time and im rely depresed can u let me win against you hahaahaha jk you dont eed to let me win agsindt u bc im like so good you would not believe i'l show u tomorow how good i am will u be on?????? haha im so good. anyway, back to the reason i lost, it was lag, i had the biggest lagspike of all time, i know i said it was -1 fps but thats faster than 0 fps because it has 1 and 1 is morethan 0 so i acytuly had 0 fps there yea and u just hit me a few times while i was frozen i know it looked like i was being bad and still pvping but thats because i pressed loads of stuff whil i t was frozen so i guess it just looked liek i was moving for you or something ut like u do understand it was lag right bro