I'm a pretty new player so i've never encountered that message before, i'm sure other players haven't either and would not be able to tell if it's harmful so i was just trying to raise awareness that the link is indeed harmful. It's interesting you think warning others about something like this would further exacerbate the issue because I personally don't think that but, we can agree to disagree
Understandable from your pov. We just want to avoid spreading bot-clients as far as possible. Therefore we decided to have a no-bot-client-politic on this Server. If you want to report people, please do it via a Ticket, we are always grateful for such help.
And even if you'd argue that you made sure to "warn" others not to use it - it might result in the exact opposite, people wanting to test it out. Same thing goes f.e. for scamlinks and nsfw-Discord invites. Common sense would tell you not to click on them, but humans are... let's say interesting in that regard