@Mixi To end the previous discussion. I have no personal issues with you, elnoid, komyu and several other people that I know "complain" about me elsewhere in a "not so nice manner".
I believe some of you have problems discussing issues in a proper way, you rely on "cheat tactics" to gain popularity and to "prove your points" which might work for the general public but will never lead to any positive progress. You are closeminded in areas in which you've already decided who is the enemy and what you believe is right and wrong. I believe that not everything you do is negative, I believe you have room to change and improve and I believe that if you want to still help and change things for the better, whatever that might be, you still can do so.
I know that I'm not a perfect human being, I'm not without faults and mistakes, I know some people don't want to discuss with me because it can be a lengthy and tiresome process but unfortunately, if things are to be mutually understood and agreed upon, a serious deep discussion needs to be made, that's how change happens.
You have knowledge, you have experience, you have opinions. You can raise these, you just have to do it the right way. And the right way, like some of this discussion later on has resembled, doesn't work if it starts off with your usual Mixi shenanigans.
You still have a voice, just pick your battles and fight correctly.
I hope you take this well and not as a personal attack against you (or any others) and I believe this applies to MANY more in this community other than yourself.
With that said, I'm going to bed. Enjoy this paragraph (or not if you can't be bothered to read, wouldn't surprise me). Just trying to help (edited)