@Brokecdx- what are you doing
|KoG| NLD #1 - Main Gores [kog.tw]
Address: ddnet://
My IGN: Gummibaer12345
August 13, 2023 9:16 PM(edited)
You are everything good that happened me on KoG servers. There is not a single day when i join a server and wish you join after me. I dont want anything else just you catching up to my team 0 group, so we can be together....
is anybody can help me i can't go on a map it say that i must have a user account on Kog.tw
2023-08-14 20:58:58 I chat: You have to login first, before you can chat. Use '/help login' for more information
2023-08-14 20:59:02 I chat: Usage: login s[code]
2023-08-14 20:59:02 I chat: *** Login into your account. If you dont have any account, go to kog . tw
Eric Cartman
2023-08-14 20:58:58 I chat: You have to login first, before you can chat. Use '/help login' for more information
2023-08-14 20:59:02 I chat: Usage: login s[code]
2023-08-14 20:59:02 I chat: *** Login into your account. If you dont have any account, go to kog . tw
2023-08-14 20:58:58 I chat: You have to login first, before you can chat. Use '/help login' for more information
2023-08-14 20:59:02 I chat: Usage: login s[code]
2023-08-14 20:59:02 I chat: *** Login into your account. If you dont have any account, go to kog . tw
i has gone at https: //kog.tw /register.php but something go wrong with the registtation and the message was "Account pre-claimed, create a ticket on discord!"
i has gone at kog .tw / register . php but something go wrong with the registtation and the message was "Account pre-claimed, create a ticket on discord!"
You are everything good that happened me on KoG servers. There is not a single day when i join a server and wish you join after me. I dont want anything else just you catching up to my team 0 group, so we can be together....
@FJP You are everything good that happened me on KoG servers. There is not a single day when i join a server and wish you join after me. I dont want anything else just you catching up to my team 0 group, so we can be together....
@FJP You are everything good that happened me on KoG servers. There is not a single day when i join a server and wish you join after me. I dont want anything else just you catching up to my team 0 group, so we can be together....
For legal reasons this is a joke since I do not know the legal age of the player called Krumplee and therefor want to state that I've had no previous romantic interactions with this person(edited)
If you have found peace, you will be met with sadness, anger, happiness etc. But your "inner-peace" (if we're quoting the meme) allows you to know that whatever life throws at you, you'll be okay. At least mentally(edited)