This is second and last message to Ziinoob: Im not gonna post more videos where I totally destroy you, to be honest Im retiring again and move into TFT pro scene. Good luck playing bores.
im getting invited by a team, that wasnt the best tbh, but i was like 'lets give them a try'. we came to the famous part when everybody get stuck in mojito, and many fails down after i saved them, i was really annoyed by this, but i tried to contain myself and to insult anyone (i didnt insult anyone). Someone said i was toxic, probably for no reason or idk, i replied 'im not toxic its just annoying to see players that cant do this part playing this map', some1 said 'then leave team' (i left team after this try) and some other dude, that i didnt even wrote too just said to kill myself for no reason