Ham5terzilla (Макс)
How I can play, if only 1 server with good ping for me laggs hard as ... everyday every week (at least ~1 month). When russian servers will be fixed?
1. It's start to lagging no regarding to players count. 0 players on whole 3 servers - can lag. 30 players - same lags.
2. It's lags randomly, not everytime, but consistent, starting to drop 0.3-1s of game every 10-60s.
3. It's lags ultra randomly, around 60-70% of players lagging, when 40-30% play without laggs. When I lag, one person not lagging, when this person lagging, I'm not. (edited)
We coming to 3 months of lagging. Without any stops. Here is a lot of ru players in other servers. And noone, excluding novices, playing on ru servers, cus they lagging 24h per 7 days per 3 months already.
It is not my issue. It is issue of all ru servers. I remembered full russian servers 4 months before. And remembered a lot of players on ru servers when I started KoG first time around year ago. (edited)