I have not seen the current mods boss around players and calling it tyrannical seems like a long shot.
Furthermore you describe "permanent mods" to be admins which is contradictory.
Lastly I might be biased, but I truly disbelieve in this disconnect you are talking about.
I apologize, I should've worded things better.
What I meant was that the hierarchy of our community is a dictatorship by nature, meaning those in control have power over others without their consent. This doesn't necessarily mean that the mods are bad people at all, I quite like the mods.
The permanent mods suggestion I made, was an attempt to shift the permanent mods into new roles that are focused more on long-term projects. This would further the progression of projects like Kog 2.0 and it also allows the players to select the regional mods, who they'll end up interacting with. This takes out two birds with one stone.
I can respect your opinion on the disconnect between mods and players, since my argument was mainly anecdotal.
Lastly, I'd like to add that I love this game and everything I say here is an attempt to better the game and the community. The goal is not to call out those in power or slander anyone, I'm simply trying to relay what I'm observing.
Cheers. (edited)