@Moderator can someone tell me and the community why sync is still a testing member of the kog-team. in the past he already got warned for showing bad behaviour against the community. by his current testing experience i can tell, that he didnt improve in past weeks/months. i saw jimmy and sync months before they corrupted into KoG. in this timeframe sync couldnt even map a proper gores map by himself. now some months past that, he has still no qualified experiences about testing/mapping at all. that alone is reason enough that he shouldnt be in kog-testing at all. his current testing "skills" ( scaling overlay entities to 50% ) were learned when he asked me how i look for entity bugs so fast. other than that, he can find some cornerbugs which any people can find, so thats not an qualified testingskill. thats only a piece of reason why he shouldnt be in testingteam. he showed after his first warning, that he didnt improve in his behaviour. he is still provoking people a lot and doesnt take testing serious. if a tester has made up an opinion about a map, he copies the opinion and cant deliver any proper reason why the map is bad/a mess, after multiple times asking. a tester should be a responsible person which is there to help making the map releasable/finding bugs or finding fixes in the gameplay. sync just showed in past few days, that he cant handle his copied opinion and doesnt deliver any fixes or advice for making the map better. to his behaviour we can say, that it didnt improve in past weeks/months and the community can tell that. he is acting like a troll and isnt responsible for serious discussions. he is getting influenced by his friend jimmy for anything. if jimmy has something he has to complain about, sync is always there to help and butcher other people. these 2 guys are provoking KoG community and not representing a friendly community at all. rather they get to punish other people as they provoke them and run to mods afterwards for a report