one of the various problems i have with ddr is that every map uses a diffent color scheme to represent each type of game tile and its confusing without entities
so i dont get the problem with what zoozti did
@Xusep maybe the map was big shit but still the entity thing is fine no
first time he didnt even tell me and the faketile was in a bad spot and so i pushed the map and went afk and came back half an hour later and saw like three people inside the wall .. xdd
[4:36 AM] Xusep: thats what u tell me everytime i join fng wtf
well when its 2v3, and ur the 2, and ur mate is xusepping around under the map, its kinda unfair lol
i still have to finish about six different parts of the antibot, plus some more data processing scripts and stuff, before i even continue making anti zooz
most popular ctf map -> ctf5
most popular zcatch map -> ctf5
most popular fng map -> ctf5 (reskin and slightly modified)
most popular catch16 map -> ctf5
[5:12 AM] ᶰ°Konͧsti: with 1ms hooks
yes correcting as much as possible is how u make it as op as possible thats not the problem, its just the prediction is fucky i think