[2021-11-30 15:28:41][engine]: running on unix-linux-amd64 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][engine]: arch is little endian [2021-11-30 15:28:41][storage]: couldn't open storage.cfg [2021-11-30 15:28:41][storage]: using standard paths [2021-11-30 15:28:41][storage]: added path '$USERDIR' ('/home/rgb/.teeworlds') [2021-11-30 15:28:41][storage]: added path '$DATADIR' ('/usr/share/games/ddnet/data') [2021-11-30 15:28:41][storage]: added path '$CURRENTDIR' ('/home/rgb') [2021-11-30 15:28:41][kernel]: failed to find interface with the name 'updater' [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound f1 (58) = toggle_local_console [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound f2 (59) = toggle_remote_console [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound tab (43) = +scoreboard [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound equals (46) = +statboard [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound f10 (67) = screenshot [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound a (4) = +left [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound d (7) = +right [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound space (44) = +jump [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound mouse1 (285) = +fire [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound mouse2 (286) = +hook [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound lshift (225) = +emote [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound return (40) = +show_chat; chat all [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound right (79) = spectate_next [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound left (80) = spectate_previous [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound rshift (229) = +spectate [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound 1 (30) = +weapon1 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound 2 (31) = +weapon2 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound 3 (32) = +weapon3 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound 4 (33) = +weapon4 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound 5 (34) = +weapon5 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound mousewheelup (294) = +prevweapon [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound mousewheeldown (295) = +nextweapon [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound t (23) = +show_chat; chat all [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound y (28) = +show_chat; chat team [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound u (24) = +show_chat [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound i (12) = +show_chat; chat all /c [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound f3 (60) = vote yes [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound f4 (61) = vote no [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound k (14) = kill [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound q (20) = say /pause [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound p (19) = say /pause [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_plus (87) = zoom+ [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_minus (86) = zoom- [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_multiply (85) = zoom [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound pause (72) = say /pause [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound up (82) = +jump [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound left (80) = +left [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound right (79) = +right [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound leftbracket (47) = +prevweapon [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound rightbracket (48) = +nextweapon [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound c (6) = say /rank [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound v (25) = say /info [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound b (5) = say /top5 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound x (27) = emote 14 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound h (11) = emote 2 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound m (16) = emote 5 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound s (22) = +showhookcoll [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound x (27) = toggle cl_dummy 0 1 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound pagedown (78) = toggle cl_show_quads 0 1 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound pageup (75) = toggle cl_overlay_entities 0 100 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_0 (98) = say /emote normal 999999 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_1 (89) = say /emote happy 999999 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_2 (90) = say /emote angry 999999 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_3 (91) = say /emote pain 999999 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_4 (92) = say /emote surprise 999999 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_5 (93) = say /emote blink 999999 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound mouse3 (287) = +spectate [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound minus (45) = spectate_previous [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound equals (46) = spectate_next [2021-11-30 15:28:41][console]: executing 'settings_ddnet.cfg' [2021-11-30 15:28:41][storage]: failed to remove: /home/rgb/.teeworlds/ [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound a (4) = +left [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound b (5) = say /top5 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound c (6) = say /rank [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound d (7) = +right [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound h (11) = emote 2 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound i (12) = +show_chat; chat all /c [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound k (14) = kill [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound m (16) = emote 5 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound p (19) = say /pause [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound q (20) = say /pause [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound s (22) = +showhookcoll [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound t (23) = +show_chat; chat all [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound u (24) = +show_chat [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound v (25) = say /info [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound x (27) = toggle cl_dummy 0 1 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound y (28) = +show_chat; chat team [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound 1 (30) = +weapon1 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound 2 (31) = +weapon2 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound 3 (32) = +weapon3 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound 4 (33) = +weapon4 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound 5 (34) = +weapon5 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound return (40) = +show_chat; chat all [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound tab (43) = +scoreboard [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound space (44) = +jump [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound minus (45) = spectate_previous [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound equals (46) = spectate_next [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound leftbracket (47) = +prevweapon [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound rightbracket (48) = +nextweapon [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound f1 (58) = toggle_local_console [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound f2 (59) = toggle_remote_console [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound f3 (60) = vote yes [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound f4 (61) = vote no [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound f10 (67) = screenshot [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound pause (72) = say /pause [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound pageup (75) = toggle cl_overlay_entities 0 100 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound pagedown (78) = toggle cl_show_quads 0 1 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound right (79) = +right [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound left (80) = +left [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound up (82) = +jump [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_multiply (85) = zoom [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_minus (86) = zoom- [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_plus (87) = zoom+ [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_1 (89) = say /emote happy 999999 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_2 (90) = say /emote angry 999999 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_3 (91) = say /emote pain 999999 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_4 (92) = say /emote surprise 999999 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_5 (93) = say /emote blink 999999 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound kp_0 (98) = say /emote normal 999999 [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound lshift (225) = +emote [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound rshift (229) = +spectate [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound mouse1 (285) = +fire [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound mouse2 (286) = +hook [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound mouse3 (287) = +spectate [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound mousewheelup (294) = +prevweapon [2021-11-30 15:28:41][binds]: bound mousewheeldown (295) = +nextweapon [2021-11-30 15:28:41][client]: starting... [2021-11-30 15:28:42][client/sound]: sound init successful using audio driver 'pulseaudio' [2021-11-30 15:28:42][textrender]: loaded pFont from '/usr/share/games/ddnet/data/fonts/Icons.ttf' [2021-11-30 15:28:42][engine/mastersrv]: refreshing master server addresses [2021-11-30 15:28:42][host lookup]: host='master1.teeworlds.com' port=0 11 [2021-11-30 15:28:42][textrender]: loaded pFont from '/usr/share/games/ddnet/data/fonts/DejaVuSansCJKName.ttf' [2021-11-30 15:28:42][textrender]: default pFont set 0x556f0b3562e0 [2021-11-30 15:28:42][host lookup]: host='master2.teeworlds.com' port=0 11 [2021-11-30 15:28:43][host lookup]: host='master3.teeworlds.com' port=0 11 [2021-11-30 15:28:43][gameclient]: initialisation finished after 756.85ms [2021-11-30 15:28:43][client]: version 0.6 626fce9a778df4d4 [2021-11-30 15:28:43][host lookup]: host='master4.teeworlds.com' port=0 11 [2021-11-30 15:28:44][http]: http https://info.ddnet.tw/info?name=nameless%20tee [2021-11-30 15:28:45][http]: task done https://info.ddnet.tw/info?name=nameless%20tee [2021-11-30 15:28:46][engine/mastersrv]: saving addresses