``` [2022-06-22 23:18:22][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 16777216 for frame 0 (texture) [2022-06-22 23:18:22][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 1572864 for frame 0 (stream) [2022-06-22 23:18:22][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 1572864 for frame 0 (stream) [2022-06-22 23:18:22][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 1572864 for frame 1 (stream) [2022-06-22 23:18:22][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 1572864 for frame 1 (stream) [2022-06-22 23:18:22][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 1572864 for frame 2 (stream) [2022-06-22 23:18:22][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 1572864 for frame 2 (stream) [2022-06-22 23:18:22][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 1572864 for frame 3 (stream) [2022-06-22 23:18:22][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 1572864 for frame 3 (stream) [2022-06-22 23:18:22][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 1572864 for frame 4 (stream) [2022-06-22 23:18:22][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 1572864 for frame 4 (stream) [2022-06-22 23:18:22][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 16777216 for frame 0 (texture) [2022-06-22 23:18:22][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 16777216 for frame 0 (texture) [2022-06-22 23:18:23][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 16777216 for frame 4 (texture) [2022-06-22 23:18:23][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 25165824 for frame 4 (staging buffer) [2022-06-22 23:18:23][vulkan]: deallocated chunks of memory with size: 25165824 from all frames (staging buffer) [2022-06-22 23:18:23][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 16777216 for frame 4 (texture) [2022-06-22 23:18:24][vulkan]: allocated chunk of memory with size: 16777216 for frame 3 (texture) [2022-06-22 23:18:24][vulkan]: recreating swap chain requested by acquire next image (prepare frame). [2022-06-22 23:18:24][vulkan]: recreating swap chain. [2022-06-22 23:18:24][vulkan]: warning: requested presentation mode was not available. falling back to mailbox / fifo relaxed. [2022-06-22 23:18:24][vulkan]: minimal swap image count 4 [2022-06-22 23:18:24][vulkan_debug]: Validation Warning: [ UNASSIGNED-BestPractices-Error-Result ] Object 0: handle = 0x560cddfc9f80, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_INSTANCE; | MessageID = 0x5f379b89 | vkGetPhysicalDeviceSurfaceFormatsKHR(): Returned error VK_ERROR_SURFACE_LOST_KHR. [2022-06-22 23:18:24][vulkan]: vulkan error: The device surface format fetching failed. [2022-06-22 23:18:24][assert]: /home/arda/ddnet/src/engine/client/backend/vulkan/backend_vulkan.cpp(1129): The device surface format fetching failed. ```