[2020-08-26 19:15:04][engine]: running on windows-win64-steam-amd64 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][engine]: arch is little endian [2020-08-26 19:15:04][storage]: added path '$USERDIR' ('C:\Users\BannZay\AppData\Roaming/Teeworlds') [2020-08-26 19:15:04][storage]: added path '$DATADIR' ('C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DDraceNetwork\ddnet/data') [2020-08-26 19:15:04][storage]: added path '$CURRENTDIR' ('C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DDraceNetwork') Setting breakpad minidump AppID = 412220 SteamInternal_SetMinidumpSteamID: Caching Steam ID: 76561198074290432 [API loaded no] [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound f1 (58) = toggle_local_console [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound f2 (59) = toggle_remote_console [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound tab (43) = +scoreboard [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound equals (46) = +statboard [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound f10 (67) = screenshot [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound a (4) = +left [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound d (7) = +right [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound space (44) = +jump [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound mouse1 (285) = +fire [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound mouse2 (286) = +hook [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound lshift (225) = +emote [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound return (40) = +show_chat; chat all [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound right (79) = spectate_next [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound left (80) = spectate_previous [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound rshift (229) = +spectate [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound 1 (30) = +weapon1 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound 2 (31) = +weapon2 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound 3 (32) = +weapon3 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound 4 (33) = +weapon4 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound 5 (34) = +weapon5 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound mousewheelup (294) = +prevweapon [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound mousewheeldown (295) = +nextweapon [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound t (23) = +show_chat; chat all [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound y (28) = +show_chat; chat team [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound u (24) = +show_chat [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound i (12) = +show_chat; chat all /c [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound f3 (60) = vote yes [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound f4 (61) = vote no [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound k (14) = kill [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound q (20) = say /pause [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound p (19) = say /pause [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound kp_plus (87) = zoom+ [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound kp_minus (86) = zoom- [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound kp_multiply (85) = zoom [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound pause (72) = say /pause [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound up (82) = +jump [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound left (80) = +left [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound right (79) = +right [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound leftbracket (47) = +prevweapon [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound rightbracket (48) = +nextweapon [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound c (6) = say /rank [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound v (25) = say /info [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound b (5) = say /top5 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound x (27) = emote 14 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound h (11) = emote 2 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound m (16) = emote 5 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound s (22) = +showhookcoll [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound x (27) = toggle cl_dummy 0 1 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound pagedown (78) = toggle cl_show_quads 0 1 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound pageup (75) = toggle cl_overlay_entities 0 100 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound kp_0 (98) = say /emote normal 999999 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound kp_1 (89) = say /emote happy 999999 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound kp_2 (90) = say /emote angry 999999 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound kp_3 (91) = say /emote pain 999999 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound kp_4 (92) = say /emote surprise 999999 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound kp_5 (93) = say /emote blink 999999 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound mouse3 (287) = +spectate [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound minus (45) = spectate_previous [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound equals (46) = spectate_next [2020-08-26 19:15:04][http]: libcurl version 7.69.1 (compiled = 7.55.0-DEV) [2020-08-26 19:15:04][console]: executing 'settings_ddnet.cfg' [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound a (4) = +left [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound b (5) = say /team 0 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound d (7) = +right [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound e (8) = +showhookcoll [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound g (10) = say /team 11; toggle cl_dummy 1 0; say /team 11; toggle cl_dummy 1 0 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound h (11) = kill [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound i (12) = +show_chat; chat all /c [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound j (13) = say /lock 1 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound k (14) = emote 1 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound l (15) = +statboard [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound m (16) = toggle cl_overlay_entities 0 100 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound n (17) = cl_dummy 1; +jump; cl_dummy 0 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound o (18) = say /spec [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound p (19) = say /pause [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound q (20) = toggle cl_dummy 0 1 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound r (21) = toggle cl_dummy_hammer 0 1 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound s (22) = +showhookcoll [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound t (23) = +show_chat; chat all [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound u (24) = +show_chat [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound x (27) = dummy_connect; toggle cl_dummy 0 1; say /team 13; say /lock 1; toggle cl_dummy 0 1; say /team 13; [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound y (28) = +show_chat; chat team [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound z (29) = dummy_connect [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound 1 (30) = +weapon1 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound 2 (31) = +weapon2 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound 3 (32) = +weapon3 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound 4 (33) = +weapon4 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound 5 (34) = +weapon5 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound return (40) = +show_chat; chat all [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound tab (43) = +scoreboard [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound space (44) = +jump [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound minus (45) = spectate_previous [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound equals (46) = spectate_next [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound leftbracket (47) = +prevweapon [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound backslash (49) = +statboard [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound f1 (58) = toggle_local_console [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound f2 (59) = toggle_remote_console [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound f3 (60) = toggle br_filter_friends 1 0 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound f4 (61) = vote no [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound f5 (62) = rcon_auth 1; rcon reload [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound f10 (67) = screenshot [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound pause (72) = say /pause [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound pageup (75) = toggle cl_showhud 0 1 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound pagedown (78) = toggle cl_show_quads 0 1 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound right (79) = rcon right [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound left (80) = rcon left [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound down (81) = rcon down [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound up (82) = rcon up [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound kp_minus (86) = zoom- [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound kp_plus (87) = zoom+ [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound lshift (225) = +emote [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound rshift (229) = +spectate [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound mouse1 (285) = +fire [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound mouse2 (286) = +hook [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound mouse3 (287) = +spectate [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound mouse4 (288) = rcon super [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound mouse5 (289) = rcon unsuper [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound mouse6 (290) = toggle cl_dummy 1 0 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound mousewheelup (294) = +nextweapon [2020-08-26 19:15:04][binds]: bound mousewheeldown (295) = +prevweapon [2020-08-26 19:15:04][console]: executing 'autoexec.cfg' [2020-08-26 19:15:04][client]: starting... [2020-08-26 19:15:04][sdl]: SDL version 2.0.8 (compiled = 2.0.8) [2020-08-26 19:15:04][gfx]: Using OpenGL version 3.3. [2020-08-26 19:15:04][OpenGL]: Version string: 3.3.0 - Build [2020-08-26 19:15:04][socket]: Setting TOS on ipv6 failed: 0 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][socket]: Setting TOS on ipv6 failed: 0 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][socket]: Setting TOS on ipv6 failed: 0 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][freetype]: freetype version 2.10.1 (compiled = 2.8.0) [2020-08-26 19:15:04][textrender]: loaded pFont from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DDraceNetwork\ddnet/data/fonts/Icons.ttf' [2020-08-26 19:15:04][engine/mastersrv]: refreshing master server addresses [2020-08-26 19:15:04][host lookup]: host='master1.teeworlds.com' port=0 3 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][host lookup]: host='master2.teeworlds.com' port=0 3 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][host lookup]: host='master3.teeworlds.com' port=0 3 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][host lookup]: host='master4.teeworlds.com' port=0 3 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][textrender]: loaded pFont from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DDraceNetwork\ddnet/data/fonts/DejaVuSans.ttf' [2020-08-26 19:15:04][textrender]: loaded fallback font from 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\DDraceNetwork\ddnet/data/fonts/SourceHanSansSC-Regular.otf' [2020-08-26 19:15:04][textrender]: default pFont set 00000000148E00A0 [2020-08-26 19:15:04][datafile]: loading. filename='maps/kk' [2020-08-26 19:15:04][datafile]: could not open 'maps/kk' [2020-08-26 19:15:06][gameclient]: initialisation finished after 1360.64ms [2020-08-26 19:15:06][client]: version 0.6 626fce9a778df4d4 [2020-08-26 19:15:06][http]: http https://info2.ddnet.tw/info [2020-08-26 19:15:06][engine/mastersrv]: saving addresses [2020-08-26 19:15:06][http]: task done https://info2.ddnet.tw/info [2020-08-26 19:15:07][client]: connecting to '' [2020-08-26 19:15:07][host lookup]: host='' port=8324 3 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][client]: timeout code 'm5m2LMo6CkFg4Vj4' (normal) [2020-08-26 19:15:07][client]: timeout code '4tYGna7ARbS5BC6Z' (dummy) [2020-08-26 19:15:07][client]: connected, sending info [2020-08-26 19:15:07][client]: loading map, map=Grandma wanted sha256=9af370c9528f1dbb534afe017b25c0509edcdfe5f886ce3739fed489954c08e5 crc=2701607b [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading. filename='maps/Grandma.map' [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: could not open 'maps/Grandma.map' [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading. filename='downloadedmaps/Grandma_2701607b_9af370c9528f1dbb534afe017b25c0509edcdfe5f886ce3739fed489954c08e5.map' [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: allocsize=4344 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: readsize=3912 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: swaplen=3932 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: item_size=3308 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading done. datafile='downloadedmaps/Grandma_2701607b_9af370c9528f1dbb534afe017b25c0509edcdfe5f886ce3739fed489954c08e5.map' [2020-08-26 19:15:07][storage]: failed to remove: C:\Users\BannZay\AppData\Roaming/Teeworlds/ [2020-08-26 19:15:07][client]: loaded map 'downloadedmaps/Grandma_2701607b_9af370c9528f1dbb534afe017b25c0509edcdfe5f886ce3739fed489954c08e5.map' [2020-08-26 19:15:07][client/network]: loading done [2020-08-26 19:15:07][motd]: DDraceNetwork - ddnet.tw [2020-08-26 19:15:07][motd]:   Brutal Server [2020-08-26 19:15:07][motd]: [2020-08-26 19:15:07][motd]: ╭─ Cᴜʀʀᴇɴᴛ Mᴀᴘ [2020-08-26 19:15:07][motd]: │ Map: Grandma [2020-08-26 19:15:07][motd]: │ Mapper: Fňokurka oo7 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][motd]: │ Difficulty: ★✰✰✰✰ (18 Points) [2020-08-26 19:15:07][motd]: │ Released on 2018-12-29 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][motd]: │ 1159 finishes by 921 tees [2020-08-26 19:15:07][motd]: │ Top Time: 26:56 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][motd]: │ Average Time: 109:52 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][motd]: │ Worst Time: 1045:57 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][motd]: ╰─────────────────────── [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=21 size=23209 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=25 size=2092 uncompressed=1200000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=34 size=3567 uncompressed=3600000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=23 size=3189 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=12 size=2556 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=13 size=2384 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=14 size=2354 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=15 size=2550 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=16 size=2642 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=17 size=7330 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=18 size=2538 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=19 size=2382 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=20 size=2356 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=22 size=2348 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=24 size=2348 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=26 size=13723 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=27 size=43359 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=28 size=18938 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=29 size=7407 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=30 size=3799 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=31 size=3026 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=32 size=2538 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=33 size=2348 uncompressed=2400000 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=1 size=31295 uncompressed=4194304 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=3 size=62983 uncompressed=4194304 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=5 size=38598 uncompressed=4194304 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=6 size=27 uncompressed=19 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=7 size=27 uncompressed=19 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=8 size=19 uncompressed=11 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=9 size=13 uncompressed=5 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=10 size=79 uncompressed=152 [2020-08-26 19:15:07][datafile]: loading data index=11 size=17929 uncompressed=110656 [2020-08-26 19:15:09][chat]: *** 'BannZay' entered and joined the game [2020-08-26 19:15:09][chat]: *** DDraceNetwork Mod. Version: 0.6.4, 14.4.1 [2020-08-26 19:15:09][chat]: *** please visit DDNet.tw or say /info for more info [2020-08-26 19:15:09][chat]: *** Welcome to DDraceNetwork! [2020-08-26 19:15:09][chat]: *** You are now in a solo part [2020-08-26 19:15:09][demo_recorder]: Recording to 'demos/auto/race/Grandma_tmp_3528.demo' [2020-08-26 19:15:11][chat]: *** 'Blxck' has left the game [2020-08-26 19:15:11][chat]: *** 'Blxckyy' has left the game [2020-08-26 19:15:12][chat]: *** 'muhistar18s bro' changed name to 'muhistar18' [2020-08-26 19:15:14][chat]: *** '|JB*|Golden Axe' has left the game [2020-08-26 19:15:19][chat]: *** 'Clodorck' has left the game [2020-08-26 19:15:19][chat]: *** 'я помощь' has left the game