dahell this trash is 4 star dummy... holy sh...
and it called Just deep fly like it's only deep fly parts... and the funnies thing is... THERE'S ALMOST NO FUCKING DEEPFLY(edited)
dahell this trash is 4 star dummy... holy sh...
and it called Just deep fly like it's only deep fly parts... and the funnies thing is... THERE'S ALMOST NO FUCKING DEEPFLY (edited)
deep fly bind != deepfly. If we're talking about such parts like on start (wth is this for 4 star dummy, very hard for sure xd) it's only half of the map and literally nothing challenging for this flight. If u see "JUST" smth it supposed to have only such parts or atleast 95% of the map(like on just rocketfly etc). But this map isn't about it. it's just smth random with dummy and deep fly bind
It's been 10 years since this map was released, I think that at the time it was very difficult, so much so that you couldn't even hold the hammer when you were dead xd
Calling the map too easy and providing a screenshot of the very first part as proof
+everything the guys above me said
Edit: what "just" means in a map name is not set in stone anywhere, you can name the map whatever you want, and for this example I would argue that even without counting deepfly bind there are still a lot of deepfly parts(edited)
Calling the map too easy and providing a screenshot of the very first part as proof
+everything the guys above me said
Edit: what "just" means in a map name is not set in stone anywhere, you can name the map whatever you want, and for this example I would argue that even without counting deepfly bind there are still a lot of deepfly parts (edited)
omw to make a map called "just hook" with zero hookable tiles and player hooking disabled
EDIT: better yet, make the entire map out of hookable tiles but change the hook tunes such that you can't actually hook anything(edited)
It's been 10 years since this map was released, I think that at the time it was very difficult, so much so that you couldn't even hold the hammer when you were dead xd
It means that deep fly bind wasn't exist? Am not sure about it Found a video from 8 years ago, it's the same mechanic. Looks like if even the map was called "deep fly" that means it was already in the game and u don't have to ask someone else to click LMB in the best possible timing just to deepfly with him and not with dummy lol. It's right that u "couldn't even hold the hammer when you were dead xd" but what does this information have to do with it in the context of deep fly?
It means that deep fly bind wasn't exist? Am not sure about it Found a video from 8 years ago, it's the same mechanic. Looks like if even the map was called "deep fly" that means it was already in the game and u don't have to ask someone else to click LMB in the best possible timing just to deepfly with him and not with dummy lol. It's right that u "couldn't even hold the hammer when you were dead xd" but what does this information have to do with it in the context of deep fly?
I just said that the map was difficult for the time, and said something about the time, I think it's possible to make a comparison as to how difficult the map was...
It means that deep fly bind wasn't exist? Am not sure about it Found a video from 8 years ago, it's the same mechanic. Looks like if even the map was called "deep fly" that means it was already in the game and u don't have to ask someone else to click LMB in the best possible timing just to deepfly with him and not with dummy lol. It's right that u "couldn't even hold the hammer when you were dead xd" but what does this information have to do with it in the context of deep fly?
wtfdym, bind is written on map start for everyone to use it. using deepfly bind wasnt really consistent since antiping wasn't that perfect, net connection wasn't that perfect, playerbase median skill wasn't good enough to just pick it up and use as is, learning curve was way different. whats the point? this is last off topic message in #showroom for today, please move to #general