Every Easter Tees lay eggs. You can clearly see, that the eggs are scattered all over the maps, as they appear to not build nests. Theories state, that their rutting season is a few months infront of it, but so far we have never been able to confirm or deny this
Every Easter Tees lay eggs. You can clearly see, that the eggs are scattered all over the maps, as they appear to not build nests. Theories state, that their rutting season is a few months infront of it, but so far we have never been able to confirm or deny this
why exactly easter? are tees christian? if easter exists, is there also a teesus? is there no tee predators in the tee world, did the tees exterminate every other race so their eggs may lay and be not destroyed?
if christianity exists, do other religions exist?
if religions exist, were the animal exterminated due to religion?
Legacy Mighty Boar
why exactly easter? are tees christian? if easter exists, is there also a teesus? is there no tee predators in the tee world, did the tees exterminate every other race so their eggs may lay and be not destroyed?
We observe them to wear christmas hats on christmas. But we don't observe them visiting churches or practicing any kind of religious rituals, meaning they are not religious. Except some Tees seem to pray for good jumps, perfect rocket alignment or less clips.
it appears, that the Teeworlds domain was always void of other creatures. We have ancient tales and drawing about dragons and other animals, but so far no other animals are confirmed:
it appears, that the Teeworlds domain was always void of other creatures. We have ancient tales and drawing about dragons and other animals, but so far no other animals are confirmed:
in other games they give you various types of warnings and later bans depending if you just "discovered" or abused it. Like 2-3 times? Might just be testing, 100 times in a row? abusing. In WoW people got lifetime bans like this
in other games they give you various types of warnings and later bans depending if you just "discovered" or abused it. Like 2-3 times? Might just be testing, 100 times in a row? abusing. In WoW people got lifetime bans like this
russians arent the problem.
german kids are just as stupid
in other games they give you various types of warnings and later bans depending if you just "discovered" or abused it. Like 2-3 times? Might just be testing, 100 times in a row? abusing. In WoW people got lifetime bans like this
Why does the client have no clue about the jetpack tuning? and when I go on a local server it suddenly does know the tuning?? I am very confused right now
why does ddnet server never get registered? i opened the port in router and ufw, yet it still doesnt work, opening the master server trough firefox works, also teewords server doesnt work either
TiCkEtS AiNt BeiNg CheCkEd AnYwAYs
also i didnt say it wasnt reported, i said the people doing it didnt report it to us but deemed it necessary to spam #records(edited)
is it posible to do 1cfg file for a bind for example i want to do deepflyON but no deepflyOFF bind
not in F1 i want to do it in ddnet data folder. but u need 2 cfg file for a bind im asking if its possible to do a bind with only 1 cfg file because in DeepflyON file u need to type bind X "exec DeepflyOFF.cfg" what i want is not toggle a character just 1 character and 1 bind
not in F1 i want to do it in ddnet data folder. but u need 2 cfg file for a bind im asking if its possible to do a bind with only 1 cfg file because in DeepflyON file u need to type bind X "exec DeepflyOFF.cfg" what i want is not toggle a character just 1 character and 1 bind
2025-03-07 19:34:38 I chat/server: 'Wranked on top' entered and joined the game
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2025-03-07 19:34:39 I chat/server: 'Wranked on top' entered and joined the game
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2025-03-07 19:34:39 I chat/server: 'Wranked on top' entered and joined the game
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2025-03-07 19:34:40 I chat/server: 'Wranked on top' entered and joined the game
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2025-03-07 19:34:40 I chat/server: 'Wranked on top' entered and joined the game
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2025-03-07 19:34:40 I chat/server: 'Wranked on top' entered and joined the game
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2025-03-07 19:34:41 I chat/server: fifchik finished in: 2 minute(s) 29.56 second(s)
2025-03-07 19:34:41 I chat/server: 'Wranked on top' entered and joined the game
2025-03-07 19:34:41 I chat/server: 'Wranked on top' has left the game
2025-03-07 19:34:42 I chat/server: 'Wranked on top' entered and joined the game
2025-03-07 19:34:42 I chat/server: 'Wranked on top' has left the game
2025-03-07 19:34:42 I chat/server: 'Wranked on top' entered and joined the game
2025-03-07 19:34:42 I chat/server: *** 'Wranked on top' has left the game
Why does it say that a RUS (Russia) server is located in Helsinki? Are you suggesting that Helsinki, the capital city of Finland, is part of Russia? As a Finnish citizen, military conscript and a tax payer I find this very offensive.
Why does it say that a RUS (Russia) server is located in Helsinki? Are you suggesting that Helsinki, the capital city of Finland, is part of Russia? As a Finnish citizen, military conscript and a tax payer I find this very offensive.
russian children (most of the playerbase) do not know what a "finland" is and so wont join, renaming to rus gives the server more players and thus more use
russian children (most of the playerbase) do not know what a "finland" is and so wont join, renaming to rus gives the server more players and thus more use
So you are saying that DDraceNetwork teaches Russian children that Helsinki, the capital city of Finland, is a part of Russia. That fits maybe a bit too well with the Russian anti-Finnish propaganda.
because people want RUS ranks on Russian servers but we host the server in Helsinki because we can actually pay them there and the ping is good enough.
Server name is rus, server location is helsinki, if it would make you feel any better the name just tells you who is the intended playerbase for a given server, might not be the same as a location
you cant ping the role directly but instead the people with the role
Server name is rus, server location is helsinki, if it would make you feel any better the name just tells you who is the intended playerbase for a given server, might not be the same as a location
given deen, our server host is not located in russia and cant pay for it directly because of sanctions, yes. finland's position for us to host our servers in is superior over RUS.(edited)
but to prevent people wining about the fact that the servers are called FIN and not RUS and to protect our own sanity, we renamed em while being factually incorrect.
as you can see tho, we're not able to make everyone happy :)
I have a special question. is it a way to delete someone color / make it the defualt color on people tees. I want to have non color in demo is it a way?