People often find this game through ddnet and download a ddnet client to play ddrace/kog
There is no reason to download original teeworlds, and the original gamemodes are also completely different from ddrace so not many are interested in something they didnt download the game for
Also if you wanna pvp there is an awesome option of sitting on copy love box 24/7 doing god knows what
Also if you wanna pvp there is an awesome option of sitting on copy love box 24/7 doing god knows what
DDNet client has a multitude of commands and settings that can be bound to nearly any key or mouse button. You can enter commands into the console, which by default is accessed by pressing F1.
Highly recommended reading! It's not too hard to get a hang of and once you properly understand the principles you won't need to ask people for binds ever again(edited)
only reason im asking that question is because some guy said that he's using it and i really doubt that its real
2025-03-04 19:15:08 I chat/all: neco arc #FixTF: антибан который буквально не существует
2025-03-04 19:15:17 I chat/all: shyne: neco arc #FixTF: гитхаб зайди)))
no but like is antiban an actual thing or not im too lazy to check myself
Legacy Mighty Boar
no but like is antiban an actual thing or not im too lazy to check myself