Parameter of the RenderTileLayerSpeedup
function and took an actual look at it. I am not rendering each tile individually, I am putting individual tiles of type TileIndex
into the bufferTileIndex
is to unpreciseTileIndex
Parameter of the RenderTileLayerSpeedup
function and took an actual look at it. I am not rendering each tile individually, I am putting individual tiles of type TileIndex
into the buffer Graphics()->RenderTileLayer(Visuals.m_BufferContainerIndex, Color, s_vpIndexOffsets.data(), s_vDrawCounts.data(), DrawCount);
In the normal implementation this gets called once, in the new one this gets called 3 timesGraphics()->RenderTileLayer(Visuals.m_BufferContainerIndex, Color, s_vpIndexOffsets.data(), s_vDrawCounts.data(), DrawCount);
In the normal implementation this gets called once, in the new one this gets called 3 times
[build] uuid_manager.cpp
[build] video.cpp
[build] CUSTOMBUILD : error : linking with
link.exe failed: exit code: 1120 [C:\Users\User\Desktop\workspace\ddnet\build\rust_engine_shared_target.vcxproj]
[build] C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\MSBuild\Microsoft\VC\v170\Microsoft.CppCommon.targets(254,5): warning MSB8065: Der benutzerdefinierte Build für das Element "C:\Users\User\Desktop\workspace\ddnet\build\CMakeFiles\a1b41605f79cae13fcdb76246cd6b6f8\ddnet_engine_shared.lib.rule" war erfolgreich, aber die angegebene Ausgabe "c:\users\user\desktop\workspace\ddnet\build\release\ddnet_engine_shared.lib" wurde nicht erstellt. Dies kann dazu führen, dass der inkrementelle Build nicht ordnungsgemäß funktioniert. [C:\Users\User\Desktop\workspace\ddnet\build\rust_engine_shared_target.vcxproj]
Build was successful, but wasn't created?!SelectSprite(IMAGE_SPEEDUP_SLIDE);
just me being stupid and blind and generated files ...SelectSprite(IMAGE_SPEEDUP_SLIDE);
just me being stupid and blind and generated files ... for(int i = -ShotSpread; i <= ShotSpread; ++i) // NOLINT(clang-analyzer-unix.Malloc)
Program {
globals: vec![],
functions: vec![Function {
registers: vec![Register {
name: "1".into(),
ty: Ty::Struct(vec![Ty::I8, Ty::Struct(vec![Ty::I8, Ty::I32])]),
name: "main".into(),
blocks: vec![BasicBlock {
name: "0".into(),
instructions: vec![Instruction::Copy {
operand: Operand::Const(ValueTree::Branch(vec![
out: 0,
terminator: Terminator::Return(None),
params: vec![],
ret_ty: None,
spits out
.section .text
.global main
push rbp
mov rbp, rsp
sub rsp, 16
mov byte ptr [rbp - 12], 1
mov byte ptr [rbp - 8], 2
mov dword ptr [rbp - 4], 3
jmp .Lmain_ret
the last joystick hat key, causing the loop to skip the left and right joystick hat keys.
tune_zone 0
setting because it doesnt workconfig_retrieve
for each.cfg
files next to the mapstune_zone 0
tune_zone 0
tune_zone_enter 0 "Map for 4+ tees, max 8 tees if in a team!"
and Simple World 3 has tune_zone_leave 0 "Leaving beloved standards behind"