the game has a lot of bugs with some tuning values, very big and very small values (close to 0) may have undesirable side effects. Also negative tuning (like friction < 0) often doesn't make sense
I have one problem with DDnet, when I hit a dummy and make it fly up, I hit it and it freezes and move like that or do an aled but when there is no floor below but a freeze, when I hit it like that there is a chance that it will hit me too and I will need to shoot again (it doesn't shoot the first time)
I have one problem with DDnet, when I hit a dummy and make it fly up, I hit it and it freezes and move like that or do an aled but when there is no floor below but a freeze, when I hit it like that there is a chance that it will hit me too and I will need to shoot again (it doesn't shoot the first time)